5 Ways Pressure Frying Makes Serving Fried Chicken Drastically Easier

Fried chicken has been a popular comfort food for decades, but achieving the perfect balance of crispy skin and juicy meat can be a challenge. Enter pressure frying, a cooking technique that has revolutionized the way fried chicken is prepared and enjoyed. 

Henny Penny has been a trusted name in the foodservice industry for over 60 years, and their commercial pressure fryers have set the standard for quality and innovation. Here are five ways this cooking method improves the quality of your fried chicken:

  1. Faster Cooking Time
  2. Consistent Results
  3. Moisture Retention
  4. Less Frying Oil
  5. Fresh for Longer

Click here to read more: The Ease of Pressure Frying Chicken

Source: Henny Penny

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